New Multiple Mailbox Stand - Thank you DPW!

New Multiple Mailbox Stand

Posted September 23, 2021
Yesterday the DPW completed phase one of installing a new multiple mailbox stand at Clubhouse and Continental Road.

This move was both aesthetic and due to road safety concerns (blind corner) under the direction of the Chief of Police and Sloatsburg Postmaster. The multiple mailbox stand was built in-house and installed by the DPW, including the landscaping (and pumpkins). Neighbor Donald Hanson graciously allowed us to place it on his property. The final step is to paint the multiple mailbox stand and relocate the existing mailboxes to the new location.


NEW NORMAL (Minus paint & Mailboxes)

The DPW, John, and I will consider the following locations to upgrade to the New Normal and welcome your input in the Suggestion Box. We are open to other designs.

The Park has a total of eight (8) Mailbox Groupings remaining:

1.       Intersection of Circuit Rd. and Lookout Rd.

2.       Tower Hill Loop

3.       Intersection of West Lake and Turtle Mtn. Rd.

4.       Clubhouse Rd. – Near the intersection of Stable Rd.

5.       Ridge Rd. 

6.       Summit Rd. 

7.       East Lake Stable Rd. near the intersection of Old Park Rd.

8.       Crows Nest Rd.

Mayor Mac


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