Planning Board

The Tuxedo Park Planning Board (PB) plays a crucial role in the evaluation of applications pertaining to new residential constructions on previously undeveloped lots and requests for subdividing properties into additional lots. While the Board of Architectural Review (BAR) primarily assesses the architectural design of new houses, the Planning Board collaborates with applicants for new residential structures to ensure comprehensive planning considerations are addressed. These considerations encompass:

1. Establishing a Thoughtful Building Envelope: The PB is dedicated to defining a suitable building envelope that harmonizes with the natural terrain and respects the property's viewshed, thereby preserving the aesthetic integrity of the surroundings.

2. Crafting Infrastructure Solutions: Working closely with new house applicants, the PB takes a proactive stance in the design of essential infrastructure elements, including but not limited to driveway/road access, utility provisions, and sewer systems. This collaborative approach ensures that the proposed development aligns with the village's infrastructure standards.

3. Ensuring Effective Stormwater Management: A vital aspect of the Planning Board's purview is to verify that adequate storm drainage systems are incorporated into the project's plans. This meticulous review aims to prevent potential drainage issues and safeguard the local environment.

4. Thorough Examination of Engineering Aspects: The Planning Board rigorously examines the engineering components of both the proposed house and associated infrastructure. This includes scrutinizing technical details to ensure compliance with engineering standards, promoting safety, and facilitating the seamless integration of the new construction within the community.

Through active collaboration with new house applicants regarding these essential planning considerations, the Tuxedo Park Planning Board not only encourages responsible and sustainable development practices but also safeguards and cherishes the distinctive character and allure of our historic village.

Tuxedo Park holds the esteemed distinction of being a nationally registered Historic District. Within our village, the Village office maintains detailed maps delineating the Ridgeline and Precipice Districts, as well as the Gateway District. These specific districts are meticulously crafted to safeguard the intrinsic viewsheds that grace Tuxedo Park. If you are contemplating the construction of a new house, we strongly urge you to consult these maps diligently to ascertain whether your property falls under the purview of Ridgeline and Precipice or Gateway regulations concerning house design and placement.

For those embarking on the journey of building a new house, our Village Building Inspector, John Ledwith, offers a comprehensive package that outlines the prerequisites for such an endeavor. Residents contemplating property subdivision should also engage with Mr. Ledwith to gain valuable insights into the process. It is important to note that Tuxedo Park Village zoning mandates a minimum lot size of four acres, preserving the spacious and distinctive character of our community.

The Planning Board convenes regular meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month. To ensure timely consideration of your application, please be mindful that all required application materials must be submitted to the Village Building Inspector a minimum of ten days in advance of the intended Planning Board meeting. This allows for adequate preparation and review, ultimately facilitating a smooth and efficient process for all parties involved.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Patrick Hines, P.E. PB Engineer
Desiree Hickey Recording Secretary (845) 351-4745 Ext 1
John Ledwith Advisor to the PB (845) - 351-4745 Ext. 2
Joshua Scherer, Trustee

Board Members

Name Title
Jay Reichgott, Member Member
Matthew Tinari, Member
Bronwyn Roantree, Member