Environmental Facilities Corporation State Water Grants

Environmental Facilities Corporation State Water Grants

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

The Board of Trustees authorized the village engineer Weston & Samson to reapply for Environmental Facilities Corporation State Water Grants through the Water Infrastructure Improvement & Intermunicipal Grants program (EFC WIIA).

We have submitted the EFC WIIA grant applications for the following projects:

  • East Village Water Main
  • Tuxedo Lake Water Main
  • Mountain Road Water Main
  • Tuxedo Water Meter Vault
  • WTP Clearwell Upgrades

The grant application process will include a letter from our engineer that discusses that the Village’s water system extends beyond the Village limits and services areas with lower MHIs. Also, despite the Village’s affluent status, the ratio of miles of infrastructure to users is very high (i.e., a lot more pipe per user), making funding these projects more complex than most municipalities. The BOT and Village Engineer hope this information will bolster our chances along with support from our area elected representatives.


Mayor Mac