Nuisance Canada Geese

Nuisance Canada Geese

Posted July 7, 2022
Over the last fifteen years, the geese in Tuxedo Park have ceased migrating due to climate change as the winters have become tolerable, resulting in our geese living and breeding in Tuxedo Park year-round.

I have consulted with multiple residents and waterfront property owners who have complained the geese have become a nuisance. Therefore, I decided to contact the NYSDEC Wildlife division for options. The result was that the Village obtained a Nuisance Canada Geese Culling Permit. The NYSDEC website includes the following passages:

Nuisance Canada Geese

Canada geese are a valuable natural resource that provides recreation and enjoyment to bird watchers, hunters, and the public throughout New York State. But in recent years, flocks of local-nesting or "resident" geese have become year-round inhabitants of our parks, waterways, residential areas, and golf courses. Too often, they cause significant problems.

In urban and suburban areas throughout New York State, expanses of short grass, abundant lakes, and ponds, lack of natural predators, limited hunting, and supplemental feeding have created an explosion in resident goose numbers. While most people find a few geese acceptable, problems develop as local flocks grow.

Problems include:

  • over-grazed lawns
  • accumulations of droppings and feathers on play areas and walkways
  • nutrient loading to ponds
  • public health concerns at beaches and drinking water supplies
  • aggressive behavior by nesting birds
  • safety hazards near roads and airports

Based on the growing frequency and severity of complaints about geese, DEC biologists have concluded that a more acceptable number of resident geese in New York would be at or below 85,000 birds. This is far fewer than the current population estimate of more than 200,000 birds. However, this is a long-term statewide population goal. It guides our management programs and policies, including establishing hunting seasons and bag limits and allowing additional take of geese by permit.

The Board will discuss this matter during our July meeting.