Office of the (Self-Appointed) Public Advocate - Zoom Meetings

Fact Check

Posted September 12, 2021
Yesterday, Park residents received an ill-considered email about a lack of Zoom Meetings from the pseudo-public advocate. 

I did not respond to his false claims yesterday because it was a National day of solace and remembrance. For the record, the Village of Tuxedo Park does not have an Office of the Public Advocate seat - not in the Village Code or by-election or appointment. Therefore, this resident should stop the charade or add "Self-Appointed" on his tagline. Considering his content will turn off potential homebuyers researching Tuxedo Park on the internet, that is an important distinction,

I answered a similar email from this same resident on August 20, 2021 (To view, click on the attachment below). Contrary to his claim, all Board meetings in September have or are scheduled to use Zoom, and all Village meetings are recorded and available at the Village Office. I will continue to keep the public informed using the Village website and email announcements, as you see from these links:

This resident knows we have a functioning Zoom Room. Sadly, he hopes to mislead and divide innocent residents.


Mayor Mac


Village News & Announcements are posted by the Mayor and may not reflect the Trustees' views.