Watch the Recordings of All Village Board Meetings

Watch the Recordings of All Village Board Meetings

I am absolutely delighted to share some exciting news with you all! We have taken a significant step towards fostering transparency and accessibility by making our board meetings more readily available to everyone. I'm thrilled to announce that we have started posting video recordings of our esteemed board meetings on the Internet, and you can easily access them on our brand-new YouTube channel.


This includes a comprehensive range of meetings, such as the Boards of Trustees, Architecture Review, Planning, and Zoning Appeals. Our aim is to promptly upload these recordings the day after each meeting takes place, so you can stay up-to-date with all the latest discussions and decisions. We are also actively working on integrating a direct link to the YouTube site on our homepage for your convenience, and we'll be sure to inform you once this is set up.

While attending meetings in person or virtually through Zoom remains the optimal way to engage with the matters that impact our community, we understand that this may not always be possible. That's where our video recordings step in as an excellent alternative. By watching these meetings, you'll gain valuable insights into ongoing developments and crucial topics.

We place great emphasis on ensuring that every resident feels heard and represented. As we reflect on the lessons from our recent election cycle, it's clear that some of our fellow community members have expressed concerns about their voices not being fully heard. Participating in board meetings presents a wonderful opportunity to bridge this gap and have your thoughts, questions, and comments directly addressed by our dedicated members.

In addition to this, we are thrilled to extend an open invitation for you to become an active participant in our various committees. These opportunities to contribute and shape our community are detailed on our village website. We warmly welcome you to join us in these endeavors, and if you have a fresh and innovative idea for a new committee, we eagerly encourage you to bring it to our attention.

Thank you for your unwavering interest and dedication to our community. Your engagement truly makes a difference, and we look forward to embarking on this exciting journey of enhanced accessibility and collaboration together.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Mayor MAC