Community Well-Check Program

Dear Residents,

This program is intended to aid the Police, Fire, and Ambulance personnel with responding to a participant of this program during times of weather-related and other large-scale incidents or emergencies. Join Here

The Village of Tuxedo Park Emergency Response Plan Well-Check program is compiled and maintained by the Tuxedo Park Police Department. Our plan will list all residents who have signed up for it that may have special welfare needs or are vulnerable such as being mentally challenged, have limited or no mobility, confined to a wheelchair, have limited sight or hearing, are elderly or frail, and persons who require constant oxygen or other medical equipment to sustain life. Join Here

This list advises first responders of the people who have special needs so we can check on them during emergencies and we can bring appropriate equipment and manpower to that resident if needed. Join Here

We encourage anyone with special needs to take advantage of this community policing service. Join Here

Thank you for your participation.

Chief Dave Conklin